Get Clients With Cost-Effective LinkedIn Ads | Orange County
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LinkedIn Ads

Marketing To B2B Customers

Lucid Strategies has specialized in acquiring hard to reach prospects, through testing and refining lead generation funnels that reliably works for our B2B clients.  

Our Targeting Capabilities


Allows you to reach members based on where they’re living or visiting. Geographic location is based on the location specified by the member in their profile (for permanent / long-term locations) and/or their IP address (for short-term visits) location.


  1. Company Industry:
    The primary industry of the company where the member is employed

  2. Company Size:
    Allows you to reach members based on the size of the organization where they work. Company size is determined by the number of employees listed on the organization's LinkedIn Page.

  3. Company Name:
    The organization a member lists as his or her employer. These are based on LinkedIn Pages, which are maintained by company employees.

  4. Company Followers:
    Allows you to target your own LinkedIn Page followers. To use this targeting facet, your Ads account must be associated with your LinkedIn Page. When not utilizing this facet, by default your campaigns may reach both followers and non-followers.


  1. Member Age

2. Member Gender


  1. Fields of Study:
    The major or area of study within a member's degree. Standardized from member-entered degrees.

  2. Member Schools:
    The school, college, university, or other learning institution where a member completed a course.

  3. Degrees:
    Recognized ranks granted by a college, university, or other learning institution.

job experience

  1. Job Function:

    Based on standardized groupings of the job titles entered by LinkedIn members.

  2. Job Seniority:

    Describes the rank and influence of a member's current role in their organization. 

  3. Job Title:

    When members update their LinkedIn profiles with new roles, these job titles are grouped by LinkedIn's algorithms and organized into standardized titles. 

  4. Member Skills:

    Highly relevant keywords found within a member's profile and skills section that indicate expertise in a particular area. Member-entered skills in the Skills & Endorsements section on their profile, skills mentioned in their profile text, or inferred skills based on their listed skills.

  5. Years of Experience:

    Allows you to reach a target audience based on the years of professional experience they've accumulated over their career. We exclude any gaps in experience and also do not double-count overlapping positions.


  1. Member Groups:

    LinkedIn Groups where members who share interests or professional associations can gather, discover new information, and ask questions. Note: To prevent ad targeting discrimination based on protected characteristics, member groups may not be used in an exclusive manner.

  2. Member Interests:

    Interest categories identified by and inferred from member actions and engagement with content on LinkedIn. Learn more about interest targeting options.

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